How to promote your real estate deals on Instagram

How to promote your real estate deals on Instagram

Today’s digitized world calls for all industry professionals – irrespective of their services – to have an active digital media presence, and what better platform to cater to this than Instagram? With one billion active users, Instagram can be an ideal platform for you. So, using Instagram to boost your property deals is a good idea. Now, let’s discuss how you can do it.

Feed display for deals

Your feed is the first thing your audience will see, and it only makes sense to upload the most eye-catching content to attract them. Curating an intelligent, appealing post highlighting critical features of the property and the deal can surely get audiences to open the post, and that is what you should aim for.

Consider uploading the highest-quality images for thumbnails of the property you’re trying to promote on a deal. Attractive, clear photos can attract audiences immediately and help them engage more with the post.

Use your captions and in-video text professionally to bring the deal to light. Don’t just use phrases and fonts that seem unprofessional and amateur. Instead, spend time crafting the text passionately (with some SEO detailing) to enable your audience to understand the deal effortlessly.

Highlight the property’s USP and add CTAs about the deal to proactively get the audience to take action. Generate excitement with the deals and, if possible, make them time-sensitive to create a sense of urgency.

Reels for maximum engagement

Using a bite-sized format to cram in property details and the nitty-gritty of the deal can be a quick and effective way to advertise your offers. Fast, engaging clips showcasing your listing’s best features will not only boost engagement but can also go viral, maximizing your visibility.

It is worth remembering that your deals and offers may fail to help you bag your ideal client if your content is not engaging. To curate appealing content, you’ll have to focus on your format- short, engaging, and appealing reels that can encourage the audiences to interact with the reels, which will get the show running.

Additionally, you can offer the audience an immersive experience by using a virtual tour as a part of your reel while constantly reminding them of the exclusive deals on the property. Hammering the deals seamlessly and not in a pushy manner can get your clientele excited.

Hashtags for visibility

Hashtags are a secret Instagram tool that can help your content rank better on Instagram and bridge the gap between you and new audiences. Here is how to incorporate hashtags into your Instagram marketing strategy to gain maximum benefits.

With the right mix of hashtags, you can enable your content/deals to reach a wider audience and broaden your reach. Incorporating geotargeting with location-specific hashtags allows your content to reach audiences in different, specific locations near the property you currently have on promotions.

Consider researching what hashtags are trending in your industry by analyzing your competitors and their mix of hashtags. Shortlist the most recurring ones; they’ll trend in your market and help you gain more visibility.

Leverage influencer marketing

Influencers are the new kings/queens of the digital world, and you can benefit from their reach and influence in helping market your property deals. With niche-focused influencers, you can be assured that your content is reaching the right audience.

Look for local real estate influencers with a quality following who are organic, authentic, and have a good rapport. You need to be extra cautious with influencer marketing, as one wrong selection can ruin your entire marketing strategy and may even impact your credibility, so choose wisely.

Create collaboration deals with them. They can create authentic and engaging content to market your property deals. Moreover, you can leverage their audience to promote your deals and reach a broader audience.

You can even host live sessions on your Instagram page and hold Q&As with them or host podcasts (which can then be used as reels) on your handle. However, influencer marketing can be expensive, and figuring out a mutually beneficial deal is crucial in utilizing this marketing tactic.

Run influencer marketing

What are your posts to laser-focus on a specific audience? In that case, using Instagram ads can help you achieve a much more targeted approach for your posts and content when advertising your property deals.

With the ads tools, you can enable your property deals to tap into a specific demographic, ensuring your ads reach your desired audience. You can tweak and change the demographics and other ad specifics with the tools in the ads platform and target specific income groups, businesses, and investors. Use carousel posts and convert them into ads, enabling your audience to view multiple deals and properties simultaneously in a single ad, which can be cost and time-effective.

Consider using real estate flyer templates to get ideas on creating professional-looking flyers to incorporate in your ads. However, you must track the performance of your ads and make timely amendments and changes to enhance their performance and reach based on the various analytics gathered.

Promoting real estate deals on Instagram can be easy with the right tools and strategy. Incorporating authenticity and wits into your deal promotions on Instagram can help you gain attention and quickly convert your visitors into possible leads. Good luck!